thorntonpowell in the news
Michele Thornton has recently been quoted in Crain's Chicago Business.
Click the link below to open a pdf file of the article and learn more about what Michele has to say about healthcare reform.

Meet Amber Morrison
2009 Producer of the Year

Hello, my name is Amber Morrison. I’ve been in the insurance industry since 1987 and joined thorntonpowell in 1994 as the agency’s first inside sales producer. Combining my previous experience with the skills that I had cultivated, I made the transition to our life and financial services department. I worked with Greg Powell for the past 12 years and it really opened my eyes to a whole new area of insurance. I made it my primary focus to take the stigma out of the word “Insurance” and break down coverage in a simple way. With this philosophy, my clients have a better understanding of their coverage. Clients that better understand insurance make wiser choices when it comes to coverage they need.
I’ve always been very customer focused and care deeply about the level of service that our clients receive. It is because of this passion that we recently created a department and a new position for me where I can be more hands on with marketing and client relationship management. This has been a year of many personal and professional achievements for me. Besides embarking on my new role within the agency, I was honored at our 2010 annual agency meeting as the thorntonpowell’s “2009 Producer of the Year”. I feel truly blessed.
Although insurance is a big part of my life, I do have a life outside of the office. Between work and my family, I keep myself pretty busy. I’m a proud Mom of 5 children, Meagan, Ryan, Kyle, Robbie and Erin. We also have 3 other children, our little dogs. With the help of my partner in crime, Rick, our family is a fun, wild bunch.
I try to include my family in my outside interests and hobbies. We’ve always been avid campers and boaters. A few years ago, we decided to migrate to our camping and boating town Marseilles, Illinois. Marseilles is a town that can be compared to Mayberry. With its modest homes and historic Main Street appeal, we decided to open a small restaurant with an ice cream parlor feel.
With the help of our family and friends, our little shoppe, “Pop’s on Main St”, has grown into something pretty special. We work with the local Chamber of Commerce, schools, and local community committees to be a part of the growth of the town. We are known for our “Signature Pot Roast Sandwich,” and have had people drive for miles to come visit us.
Other interest and hobbies for me include work within local communities to collect and distribute food, clothes and staples to local food pantries and shelters. I was a single Mom for a number of years and feel that if we have it, we should give it back. Everyone deserves to have a helping hand when things get tough. thorntonpowell also shares my passion for giving back. For the last several years I’ve organized and implemented a Christmas program called “Adopt a Family”. Most years we’ve sponsored 2 or more families that were in need some special assistance.
You can probably tell that I’m very passionate about helping people and doing the very best that I can in any situation. In fact, I pride myself not only in providing the best possible customer service, but also in trying to find other ways thorntonpowell can be more valuable to our clients. One example would be making sure that every client that I talk to knows that we are more than a home and auto agency, or a life or commercial insurance agency, because we are so much more than that. We are a full-service agency that can help provide you and your family with comprehensive insurance protection for everything that’s important to you. At the end of the day, two of the things I value most are my client’s peace of mind and the trust that they have in me and thorntonpowell.
How ICE on your cell phone, iPhone or iPod can help save your life - and possibly someone else's
(ARA) -It keeps you in touch with friends, family and business contacts. It's a source of entertainment, whether you play games on it or surf the Web. But did you know your cell phone can help save your life or the lives of others in an emergency situation, even if you're in no condition to use it to call for help?
When a debilitating crisis occurs like an accident or illness, emergency teams that respond to the scene will want to have as much information as possible about your health - including contact information for the person who can make decisions on your behalf.
Your cell phone can often speak on your behalf when you're incapacitated. Emergency personnel are trained to look in your phone for phone numbers designated with the acronym "ICE" - which stands for "In Case of Emergency." They'll use that information to get in touch with someone who can make decisions for you.
Some cell phones already come pre-programmed with the ICE function, so all you have to do is punch in the appropriate numbers. If you're among the 50 million Americans who own an iPhone or iPod Touch, you can place all your critical medical information in the hands of emergency personnel by using the free ICE App. To download ICE App for free, log on to the iPhone Apps Store and search "ICE-app" or visit
Created by online legal service and Donate Life America, ICE App allows emergency responders to access information about you, including your name, a photograph (to match the phone to you), birth date, height and weight, medical conditions, blood type, allergies, medications, emergency contacts and your organ donation wishes - a feature that could help save the lives of people waiting for organ donations.
Ninety percent of Americans think organ donation is the right thing to do, yet only 28 percent have taken the appropriate steps to register as an organ donor. If you don't have an iPhone, you can register as a donor at
"Having emergency contact and medical history information immediately available in your cell or smart phone can help emergency responders make quicker decisions during those precious first minutes, a time that could mean the difference between life and death," says Brian Liu, cofounder and chairman of LegalZoom.
Once you've downloaded the app to your iPhone, follow the on-screen prompts to complete the contact and medical information. Once you're done, place the ICE App icon in the top right corner of your touch screen, where first responders will see it right away when they check your phone. All information is stored on your phone, and not on the Web, ensuring your private information stays in your possession and that first responders can access it, even when the phone has a weak or no cellular signal.
Courtesy of ARAcontent
Toys of Summer
Whether you’re getting ready to take your Harley across the country or making the final preparations before putting your boat in the water, you can probably feel that tangible excitement and electricity that always accompany the warm weather this time of year. Maybe the long, cold winters make us appreciate these magical months a little bit more, but whatever the reason there’s simply no way around it: we love Summertime.
With all of that building excitement about finally hitting the open road or getting in the lake for the first time, it’s easy to forget some of the little things that go hand in hand with these activities. That being said, we’ve put together a few safety tips and reminders to make sure that your summer is more than just fun in the sun…it’s safe, too.
Life Preservers Aren’t Just for Kids.
It’s not enough to just have life jackets on board — wear them! In an accident, people rarely have time to reach for a life jacket. This rule applies to adults, not just children: More people in their 30s die in boating accidents than any other age group. Life vests have come a long way in style. Today, you can even get vests for your water-loving dog!
Watch the Back of the Boat.
Carbon monoxide kills in minutes. So tell your passengers where your exhaust pipes are located and turn off your engine when people are in the water, and don't let passengers "ski" or “teak-surf” by holding on to the back of the boat. Both Washington and Oregon made teak-surfing illegal in the last few years, after several tragic deaths. Carbon monoxide detectors are standard on most new boats; older boats install devices for less than $100.
Alcohol and Boating Don't Mix.
More than 50 percent of drownings result from boating incidents involving alcohol. You don’t drink and drive, so don’t boat and drive.
No one's too old to wear a helmet
A motorcycle rider not wearing a helmet is forty percent more likely to sustain a fatal head injury in a crash than a rider without a helmet. A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study reports that "helmets saved 1,658 motorcyclists' lives in 2006, and that 752 more could have been saved if all motorcyclists had worn helmets." Buy a full-face helmet for the best protection for your head and eyes. Wear other protective gear as well: heavy leather or synthetic gloves, long pants and jacket, and over-the-ankle leather boots.
In a crash, the SUV wins
When cars and motorcycles collide, it's usually because the driver of the car failed to see the cyclist. With more SUVs on the road, it's even more critical to take extra steps to become more visible. Use your headlamps—both night and day—and wear yellow, red or orange jackets to make yourself easy to see. Make a point of positioning yourself in your lane for visibility.
New Gear? Update your policy
Some companies offer special coverage for custom parts and equipment—but you have to make sure each piece of equipment is listed on your policy. Any time you buy new leathers or safety equipment or customize your bike, call us before you head out on the highway.