What's New at thorntonpowell

We were happy to have been able to help the Ronald McDonald House of Oak Lawn with a donation of food and household goods this winter. Their amazing facility and volunteers continue to be an inspiration to us.
In a continuing effort to support Ronald McDonald House Charities, as well as the families that need them the most, thorntonpowell will be sponsoring an upcoming event called Meals From the Heart.
On Tuesday, February 22nd thorntonpowell employees will be spending their lunch hour at the "house in the woods" in Oak Lawn where they will be preparing and serving lunch to the house residents.
We're proud that our employees are always so willing to contribute to organizations like Ronald McDonald House Charities, and look forward to future opportunities to have a positive impact on our community.
thorntonpowell Welcomes back Charity Weber
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome back Charity Weber to our personal lines team. With extensive insurance knowledge and exceptional customer service skills, Charity is a valuable addition to our team here at thorntonpowell and we're sure that you'll enjoy working with her.
Winter Storms Ahead: Are You Ready?
We admit it: As insurance pros, our picture of winter isn’t exactly cozy. Winter storms mean traffic snarls, hillsides turning to sheets of ice, and cars sliding around like hockey pucks. Cold temperatures can cause pipes to burst, frost swells and other damage. Heating your home with fireplaces and holiday lighting can increase the risk of fire.
A picture-perfect winter requires a few precautions
Here are a few of our top tips to help reduce weather-related hassles this winter.
Winter-proof your car with good snow tires or chains, new wiper blades, antifreeze, and emergency road supplies.
Keep your attic cool to help prevent ice dams. Insulate the attic floor and make sure it is well-ventilated.
Do not overload circuits with holiday decorations.
When winter storms hit, be smart
If you do not have to drive, stay put. If you must drive, make sure you’ve winterized your car and have a full tank of gas.
When the air is cold, keep bath and kitchen cabinet doors open so warm air can circulate around pipes. If pipes do freeze, let them thaw normally—they’ll be less likely to burst.
And if the power is out, make sure you avoid leaving candles or fires burning unattended. If you use a portable generator, follow the instructions and do not use it indoors.
Know what your insurance covers
We want to help you rest easy. You will be more relaxed when you know you have prepared your property to lessen the chance of winter storm damage. Your insurance policy covers repair or rebuilding costs. However, your deductible does apply. Check your policy to see what is covered and to confirm the deductible you have chosen.
If you have any questions at all about your coverage, give us a call at (708) 597-2800 and we'll be happy to help.
Emergency Contact Information
A successful agency is always growing and developing and most importantly looking out for our client’s best interest. With the New Year, came a new change to everyday protocol. As a part of our agency processes, we are now requesting that you give us the name of someone that we could contact or that would know to contact us in case of an emergency such as fire, car accident, burglary, or death. We request that this person not live in your household, but does live in the state.
After we receive the required information from you on this contact, we will give them a call to introduce ourselves and to make sure that they have our contact information. We will ask them to store our number in their phone so that they have it readily accessible. We are hoping this new process will just be another way to ensure your best interest and protect the quality of life and property that we here at Thornton Powell insure.
We want to thank all of you in advance for your help in implementing our new policy.
Super Bowl Recipes. . . and even a little history lesson on Valentine's Day.
Whether you’re preparing the ultimate FAN-tastic football spread or cooking up something from the heart for your Valentine this year, here are a few ideas sure to make you the MVP of the day .
Fabulous Football Dip
Red Wine and Root Beer Buffalo Wings
Two Meals out of One
Bacon Jalapeno Poppers
Easy Valentine's Day Trifle
The history of Valentine’s Day and its patron saint is still a mystery to most. We all recognize that February is the month of romance but from where did it originate? Through Christian and ancient Roman tradition there are a few Saint Valentines but the legend that won over my heart pertains to a certain priest Valentine who served during the third century in Rome. When the Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for all young men. Valentine defied Claudius and continued to perform secret marriages for the young lovers. When Valentines actions were recognized, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. While in prison, Valentine fell in love with a young girl himself who was said to be the jailors daughter who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a love letter which he signed, “From your Valentine”, an expression that is still used today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legend is a bit murky, the stories still emphasizes his nature as sympathetic, heroic, and most importantly romantic.
Random Fact from History.com: Approximately 141 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine’s Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas.